Monday, November 1, 2010

Google Places/ Google Maps Now Mixed With Organic Search Results

The End of Organic Search Ranking?

Google just changed the entire game, until last week you could rank #1 in the organic or main body of search results and NOT in the 7 pack of Google map results (the maps or Google local business listings now known as Google Places) and you could still expect to get a decent amount of traffic/ exposure etc

No more...  Google Places are now integrated into the first page of local search results, effectively crowding out the organic search listings. If Google returns 7 local business listings for Google Places, and loads 2 or 3 sponsored listings above the Google Places ones, there is only room \left for 3 organic listings!

For the past year having more reviews on "citation" websites such as,, and other yellowpages clones seemed to have little or no effect on improving Google Places ranking.

According to Blumenthals blog, more reviews is now likely to help.

Cheating on reviews has been pervasive, Google it seems, has given business owners enough rope to hang themselves. If you open a gmail account, leave yourself a bogus review, and open another gmail account from the same computer... did you really think Google wouldn't know both reviews were from you?

A quick check of some of my local SEO clients and I can breath a sigh of relief:

From Regional Search Engine Marketing in Maryland

Yes we are for hire!!

Local SEO

Fees For Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Optimization:

Social Media Optimization: 8 hours of one on one consultation, create social media profiles with SEO ranking specifically in mind. First Hour is exploratory, we may or may not choose to represent you, we will discover if we can realistically do something for your product or service in this first hour. Fee $100.00 per hour or $700 come into our shop in Frederick Md or we can do remote log in where we can both move the mouse and I can answer questions over the phone live

Google Places or Google Local Business Listing ranking

Many small businesses come to us with excellent ranking in the organic listings (sometimes called the natural search results or the main body of search results) but they are NOT ranking in the 3 pack of Google Maps. Google Maps is often the ONLY search results displayed on a smart phone. Increasingly people will start using their smart phone instead of a laptop, you need your company to rank in the top 3 or you will be virtually invisible. Fee for top 3 ranking in Google Places and one listing in the top ten Google organic listings $2000 annually

Keyword selection: one on one consultation to select effective keywords $100.00 per hour Typically our clients have a long list of keywords they’d like to be found under, we counsel you should pick no more than 3 keyword phrases, sell one thing and sell it well. You only have X amount of Google authority available to you at one time, attempting to spread a finite quantity of Google Juice over many keywords is counter productive in our experience. Every 6 weeks add 3 more keyword phrases to target, do NOT attempt all of them at once.

Managed Company Facebook Pages

Ghost write content for the supporting blogs we create, get each of them to rank in Google and create content for your company Facebook page and get the company Facebook Page we create and manage for your company to rank in Google:

$1000 to $3000 upfront: between $500 month and $1000 month for retainer fee and content creation/management. Fee’s vary depending on the competitiveness of your target market. We can hit any target, some targets are harder to hit than others. Typical Fee is $15000 annually ideally for criminal lawyers, divorce attorneys that want to dominate the local search pages for the geographical area they practice law in.

National Rankings: fees vary depending on competitiveness of the selected keyword phrase. Fees range from $14,000 annually $2000 up front, $1000 month to as much as $25,000

David Bruce Jr
785 Wembly Dr
Frederick Md 21701

Google Android # 240 397-9804
Local Google Advertising Consultant
Worldwide Ranking Examples, if I were you I'd want to see what I'd be paying for, talk is cheap, put up or shut up:
Google Search Results for "local Google Advertising Consultant"
#1 Worldwide out of About 64,000,000 competing sites

Google Results for "regional search engine ranking"
#1, #7 and #8 out of About 21,200,000 results

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why Sponsored Pay Per Click Isn't Making You Money

Sponsored Links

Pay per Click is it for every commercial website?

Why pay per click may or may not be earning you a return on your advertising budget.
Certain markets do well with pay per click, with others pay per click may not earn a single penny in ROI or return on investment.

Search, specifically Google, has enlightened shoppers, it has revolutionized the act of shopping. 
What has happened is consumers are significantly smarter now. So much so that the entire art of advertising no longer works.
Don't think so?
What do you do when YOU find you might need to buy something? What do YOU do?

Chances are you don't react to advertising... when you're ready to buy, you sit down to Google and do some research... don't you?
You don't just buy from the first website you stumble across (do you?), you look for... what?

You look for reviews, you look to see if the company who is listed #1 has any lawsuits, any customer complaints, any legal troubles, you look to see if that company has a viable reputation. 

So if you do all of this, don't you think your intended customers do the same?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Brief History Of SEO Copywriting

SEO naturally came about with the birth of the internet, but its early days were less than impressive. Budding internet marketers pounced on newly discovered methods for search engine ranking manipulation and churned out garbage articles loaded with meaningless content and outlandish strings of invisible keywords. Luckily, search engine algorithm designers picked up on these tricks and refined their programs to ignore this nonsense, also known as "keyword stuffing", and SEO copywriting was born out of necessity. By using a combination of quality content sprinkled with ranking keywords, this method gave SEO writing more credibility.

Today, both people and search engine algorithms have developed a keen distaste for junk copy and excessive keyword use. As a result, in order to not only rank but grab and hold the attention of quality potential customers, SEO copy must be more and more content focused. Keywords will always be important, but a skilled SEO writer uses only one or two unique and natural-sounding search terms per page, knowing how to integrate and space these terms smoothly into the text. This integration can be tricky, so good writers have developed some techniques to make it easier for the more awkward keyword phrases. These may include enclosing the search term in quotes to make it seem like a technical term, defining it at the opening of the article to use further on, and using examples or comparing two different terms throughout the article in order to increase usage without sounding ridiculous.

And a skilled SEO writer delivers the best possible results-money in your pocket. Not only will they maneuver your site to the first page of search engine results, they'll attract quality paying customers who stick around and generate revenue for your business. This is achieved by writing researched, educational copy that is also readable and interesting to the average internet surfer. If you can grab and hold a customer's attention with copy that garners respect and adds to the trust and authority of your domain, you will likely have a sale on your hands. Even better, an excellent article will inspire readers to link to it, bookmark it, tweet and tell their friends about it, generating more and more sales over time.

So how does a writer achieve excellence in SEO copy? There are many ways to increase the "value" of an article in a reader's eyes:
1. Organization
2. Detail
3. Thorough research
4. A birds-eye view
5. Specific calls to action
6. Focus on benefits, not features
7. Usability
8. Understanding reader perspective
9. Readability across different age levels and education levels
10. Who, what, where, when, why and how
11. Always put the reader before the search engine
12. Keep asking after each paragraph: "Does the reader care?"
13. Back up information with real-world examples that anyone can relate to
14. Avoid repetition and redundancy
15. Remove unnecessary words and phrases
16. Use bullets, numbering, italics, and headings-and use them wisely
17. Avoid clichés and make sure industry jargon is well-defined
18. Vary sentence length
19. Avoid the passive tense
20. Maintain a tone that is conversational and engaging yet professional and technical at the same time

IT services Frederick, Md IT outsourcing, IT maintenance for small businesses in Md.

301 397-9804

Google Places Ranking

Google Maps Ranking Improved $200 month -$2400.00 annually (one time $2000, a $400 savings) guaranteed top 3 Google Places Ranking and 1 top 10 organic listing for your main keyword phrase

Organic search rankings can be achieved if you target everything about your web pages title, the article title, the paragraph headings with the keyword phrase you'd like to show up in the search results for.

Here's another SEO trick: Company Facebook Pages (not personal Facebook profiles) also show up prominently in Google searches. The holy grail of organic search ranking is to have your website occupy the #1 slot in the organic results and your company Facebook page occupy the #1 slot on for the same Google search results page.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Does Your Company Have a Company Facebook Page Yet?

Got Company Facebook Fan Page Yet?

Everyone knows what Facebook is.
Your grandparents even have a Facebook page, chances are your customers have a Facebook page...well the customers YOU want do.
In terms of demographics, if a prospective customer has a Facebook page you know something about them, at a bare minimum you know they probably have a good job, probably are college educated, probably have a credit card
Do you really want to sell to people that do NOT have a credit card? What do you think your chances of making a profit would be if the customers you were attempting to attract did not have credit, or didn't have a job?
Not every industry can take full advantage of exposure to the vast Facebook community, the target market of certain types of stores for example deal in what political correctness terms the "disaffected", for example a local Latin market or a beer and wine store in the seedier side of the tracks... it's a safe bet their 'money customers" are not on Facebook. State highway contractors, for example get their work from Government bids, so being on Facebook doesn't make much sense for them.
There is however a reason for almost every company to have a company Facebook page...
Google is that reason.
Your personal Facebook account is blocked from Google's prying eyes, the contents of your personal Facebook page is protected, Google is not allowed to index its contents. Personal Facebook pages are visible ONLY to other Facebook members, and you can choose what parts of your Facebook site to share and what parts to share only with family members.
A Company FB page (also known as a Facebook Fan Page) ARE search-able by Google.
Having a Facebook Fan page means an EXTRA listing in Google's search results pages. Properly set up, you can end up with on entry in Google listings for your main website AND a second or even a third entry for your FB fan page Wall, your FB Fan page photos, and if you were slick enough to create a company blog in addition to your company website, a FB fan page is one of the most effective "blog delivery systems" you can use to promote your company blog. (but that's another article entirely)
David Bruce is Local Google Advertising Consultant, Expert and professional blogger with over 100 blogs.

Maximize your ROI (return on investment) with Expert Keyword Analysis from Frederick Web Promotions

Call David Bruce Jr @

240 397-9804

Schedule a consultation today!

Keyword Research Analysis Fee for your small business: $500.00

Become Our Fan On Facebook and Get Half Off: Keyword Research Analysis for Facebook Fans: $250.00

Frederick Web Promotions
785 Wembly Dr, Frederick Maryland 21701
240 397-9804