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Pay per Click is it for every commercial website?
Why pay per click may or may not be earning you a return on your advertising budget.
Certain markets do well with pay per click, with others pay per click may not earn a single penny in ROI or return on investment.
Search, specifically Google, has enlightened shoppers, it has revolutionized the act of shopping.
What has happened is consumers are significantly smarter now. So much so that the entire art of advertising no longer works.
Don't think so?
What do you do when YOU find you might need to buy something? What do YOU do?
Chances are you don't react to advertising... when you're ready to buy, you sit down to Google and do some research... don't you?
You don't just buy from the first website you stumble across (do you?), you look for... what?
You look for reviews, you look to see if the company who is listed #1 has any lawsuits, any customer complaints, any legal troubles, you look to see if that company has a viable reputation.
So if you do all of this, don't you think your intended customers do the same?
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