Sunday, February 22, 2009

A prospective client trusts the organic results

What is meant by "Organic Search Results"?

It almost sounds edible doesn't it?
The definition of Organic Search Results is the search term results returned by a search engine that are derived from what they search engine itself thinks is important as opposed to returning paid listings or advertisements.
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You type a keyword into a search engine and the search engine tells you what it thinks is the most important website regarding that search term. Search terms are what the search engine industry calls "keywords". 

Google claims that their users click (organic) search results more often than advertisements. 

Wikipedia's definition of search engine optimization uses the term "Algorithmic" as a synonym for "Organic".  What is an algorithm?

Why algorithms are necessary: an informal definition

While there is no generally accepted formal definition of "algorithm", an informal definition could be "an algorithm is a process that performs some sequence of operations." For some people, a program is only an algorithm if it stops eventually. For others, a program is only an algorithm if it stops before a given number of calculation steps.

For our purposes an algorithm is a mathematical process that stops when it decides, definitively which website gets to be Numero UNO and who is second string, third string, also ran, and filed away under 'deep six'.

Wikipedia goes on to say this: "As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work and what people search for. Optimizing a website primarily involves editing its content and HTML coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines."

So optimizing a site means taking an existing site, it might be a pretty site, might be an interesting site, may or may not have state of the art graphics... but it's nowhere to be found.

Why is that?

Because the 'artist' who crafted the site didn't know the first thing about keywords nor did they take into account which part of the page the "bot" is going to "parse"... I'll bet my last paycheck the web designer thinks they're supposed to write the code for human consumption...


You want the site to be found I take it? 

I mean the whole purpose of the site is to get someone to buy something... and is that going to happen if the fancy site is buried deep in the search results on say "results 71 through 80"

You either write the code to please GoogleBot or you're writing it as a hobby. If the desired result is to put MONEY in the CASH REGISTER, you' re wanting to write code that pleases Google FIRST, pleasing humans comes second.

Argue with me if you want... My sites make money, their sites look pretty.

Which one do you want?

What can one do to get your site to rank higher than your competitors site... that's the $12,000 question (which is what I charge for a 6 month Search Engine Marketing Campaign by the way - $2000 per month for six months... the rest of the year there is a lower monthly maintenance fee).

RELEVANCE - that's what Google Wants
Ranking - that's what YOU want.

Google is bigger than you are... you want something from Google? 

I thought so... give Google What IT wants and Google can make you rich.

Anything that can be abused... will be (can't remember where I heard that first, wish I could claim it as my own quote). Everybody thinks the job of an SEO guy is to trick Google.  So many people in marketing are under the foolish notion that our job is to 'get away with' getting at the top of Google without having to pay to get at the top.

Every business person on the planet wants their product to outsell everybody else's product. 
They don't' give a rats a** about any body else but themselves.
What's in it for them? is their axiom.

They've got the cart before the horse!
Think about this carefully: What does Google Want?

more coming, stay tuned

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