Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Local Google Search Results Is What Puts Money In Your Cash Register

In advertising, you are competing with other companies. In Internet advertising you're competing with other websites.

Where that competition occurs at is on Google's search results pages.

There simply isn't any other advertising real estate more important to your company than the 160 or so characters that Google gathers as what Google thinks your site is about.

That's all you get! 160 characters to 'sell the sizzle and not the steak'

But... and this is a very BIG But:

Are you attempting to compete, in Google, regionally?

Did you know there is a local Google? (and a yahoo local, a msn local as well?)

If you pitch your wares without deliberately including TEXT (not a graphic, but text) within your sales copy, that does not specifically spell out What Geographic Area you're offering your widget (or widget service)... you are, by default attempting to sell to the entire world.

Big mistake.

If you attempt to go up against walmart, you will loose.

What you are selling, when you're selling it on Google, is not your product or service, the ONLY path to your product or service is a keyword phrase. That IS your product.

the phrase, the keyword phrase is how people are going to either find you or find your competitor.

If that keyword phrase does not include YOUR Geographic Area...

You will not show up in Local searches.

If the arena you're competing in is national there is one level of difficulty.

If the arena you're competing in is local, there is quite another degree of difficulty.

You can probably gather that local Google advertising is what I do, I just gave you, for free, the single most important strategy to use in order to rank locally in Google. Obviously there's a whole lot more to it than that (or else I wouldn't be in business) This article is sales copy, it's a teaser...

Now if you want to dominate the local Search Engine Results Pages (serps in my industry) peruse the verifiable results that follow this article, call the real local businesses and ask them if ranking in Google locally is putting more money in their cash registers than they imagined it would. Then call David Bruce Jr at 240 397-9804

Fee to rank in your US county: $2500.00

Fee to rank in your State: $3500.00

Fee to have a quarter page Yellowpages ad: typically $4,000 to $6,000

Do the math

Frederick Web Promotions
785 Wembly Dr,
Frederick Maryland